31514 San Martinez Rd. Castaic, CA

Info + Contact

31514 San Martinez Rd. Castaic, CA

SilverStrand Ranch: Open for business 24/7

SilverStrand Ranch is located in Castaic, CA. The 200 acre ranch is a hidden, secluded gem only 12 minutes from I-5 Frwy and the 126 HWY exit. The home was built in 1911 and is situated 2,000 feet from the main entrance. The home features 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a wood-burning fireplace in a rustic Santa Fe style. There are parking facilities for hundreds of vehicles and heavy equipment. There are four large base camps and a helipad. The property is situated in a beautiful rural setting, nestled among many mature oak trees, gorgeous valleys, and mountain tops with pads for lighting and camera set ups. Some of these pads have excellent panoramic, landscape views at 2,000 feet of elevation.




Carlos Rodriguez


email: carlos@silverstrandranch.com

phone: (818) 612-0411


General Inquiries

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